Jill A. Rakauski

She has been a board member of the Wisconsin Association of Justice and a state delegate to the American Association for Justice.
She has presented numerous times at the Wisconsin Association for Justice seminars and Plaintiff’s Asbestos Litigation Seminars.
In 2008 she was the inaugural Chair of the newly created Women’s Caucus of the Wisconsin Association for Justice.
She has testified several times in front of the Wisconsin State Legislative Committees in opposition to laws that would hurt the interests of asbestos victims.
She has argued cases in the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and the Wisconsin Supreme Court. She is a current District Committee Member, appointed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court of the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation.
She is a long-time volunteer with the Make a Difference/Secure Futures program helping high school students become financially literate. She also represents high school students with academic issues pro bono to ensure they receive a full education.
In 2021, she joined the Frost Law Firm. Jill loves meeting clients that are affected by asbestos disease and their families, finding out what drives them in life and making sure that she can express how asbestos disease has personally affected the family to a court or jury. It is very important to her that the clients feel they are not just a number and they can pick up the phone anytime to talk about any concerns or questions.