Offering Financial Protection to Mesothelioma Victims
For decades, asbestos companies profited off the widespread use of a toxic substance simply because it was durable, fire resistant, and inexpensive. While everyone seemed to be aware of the benefits of asbestos, only the asbestos manufacturers knew of the drawbacks, including the health risks of long-term exposure.
Once this became common knowledge, most uses of asbestos were banned, and asbestos exposure victims began pursuing compensation from the asbestos manufacturers that were to blame. This led to several ways for mesothelioma patients to get the compensation they deserved, including through asbestos trust funds.
If you’re interested in learning if filing an asbestos trust fund claim is the best way to get compensated, consider what an asbestos trust fund is and how to file a claim. Then contact Frost Law Firm to talk to an experienced mesothelioma lawyer about starting the asbestos trust fund claim process.
What Are Asbestos Trust Funds?
If you’re looking for the fastest, most straightforward way to get an asbestos personal injury settlement, you should consider asbestos trust funds. These are trust funds that the court system required asbestos companies to set up for asbestos victims before they could file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
After all, once mesothelioma patients began filing asbestos lawsuits so they could afford medical care, the asbestos companies couldn’t or wouldn’t pay the asbestos claims and went bankrupt. However, the courts wanted to ensure that current and future victims would have access to the money necessary for their treatment plans, lost wages, and other expenses.
This is why they created asbestos trust fund claims. Skilled mesothelioma lawyers can guide you through the process of filing an asbestos trust fund claim if you go this route for mesothelioma compensation, so contact our law firm for help.
Are You Eligible to File an Asbestos Trust Fund Claim?
An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can review your case details to determine if you’re eligible to file an asbestos trust fund claim. In general, you must be able to prove that you were diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease. You must also prove that your asbestos exposure was the fault of an asbestos company that set up an asbestos trust fund before filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
If you were exposed to asbestos several times by different bankrupt asbestos companies, you can file multiple asbestos trust fund claims. If the company responsible for your asbestos exposure did not go bankrupt and therefore doesn’t have an asbestos trust fund, you may be able to file different types of legal claims, such as mesothelioma lawsuits. A mesothelioma attorney can assist with this so you get the asbestos personal injury settlement you deserve, whether it’s through an asbestos trust fund or a mesothelioma lawsuit.
If you lost one or more family members to mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases, you may be able to file an asbestos trust fund claim on their behalf. A mesothelioma lawyer can examine the details of your family members’ cases, such as when they got their mesothelioma diagnosis and whether the liable asbestos company has an asbestos trust fund for current and future victims. Contact our law firm today to learn more about filing asbestos trust fund claims for yourself or your family members.
How Much Compensation Can Asbestos Victims Get from Mesothelioma Trust Fund Claims?
The asbestos trust fund compensation you’re entitled to varies based on a few factors. One of them is which asbestos-related diseases you were diagnosed with and how severe they are. After all, the severity of the symptoms from mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases affects the cost of your medical bills and your ability to work, so it makes sense to base the amount of your asbestos personal injury settlement on this detail.
Your asbestos trust fund compensation will also depend on your asbestos exposure history, including how many asbestos-containing products you were exposed to and how many companies caused the exposure. If your asbestos exposure was prolonged and consistent over the years, resulting in a severe asbestos-related disease, your asbestos personal injury settlement should reflect this. Skilled mesothelioma lawyers can help make sure of that.
Finally, the agreed-upon trust fund payment percentages will also affect the amount of your asbestos personal injury settlement when you file a trust fund claim. This refers to the fact that bankrupt asbestos companies had to determine what percentage of each claim they would pay from their asbestos trust fund. Granted, the percentages paid out on asbestos trust claims can vary, so talk to a mesothelioma attorney for details on your specific trust fund claim.
How Can Asbestos Victims File Trust Fund Claims?
If you want to pursue an asbestos personal injury settlement through a trust fund claim for current and future asbestos victims, you’ll first need to make sure you’re eligible to file a claim. This means the companies at fault for your asbestos exposure have asbestos trust funds, and you have proof of your mesothelioma diagnosis.
If you’re not sure how to determine which asbestos trust funds to file claims against, or you don’t have the time and energy to prove your mesothelioma diagnosis on your own, contact an asbestos attorney for legal assistance. The lawyers at our law firm have helped numerous clients with asbestos trust fund claims and asbestos lawsuits, depending on the details of each case. We understand how overwhelming it can be to research how to get an asbestos personal injury settlement when you’re sick, so we encourage you to leave this task to our team. Call 866-FROST-WINS to learn more about asbestos trust fund claims.